# `lts` file time data The `lts` set of utilities print file time data to standard output similar to [`stat`](https://man.openbsd.org/stat). They have been broken down due to portability considerations. ## Utilities The utilities are: * `lat` - last access time * `lmt` - last modification time * `lct` - last change time ## Arguments They all accept an optional `-f` argument that allow setting the format of the displayed time in [`strftime`]( https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/functions/strftime.html) format. ## Example $ lmt README Fri Sep 4 17:53:46 EEST 2020 README ## Parsing The default format is `%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y`, it can be isolated from the filename by piping to `cut -d' ' -f1-7`: $ lmt README | cut -d' ' -f1-7 Fri Sep 4 17:56:42 EEST 2020