# cl Analytics for `HTTP` logs in Common Log Format ## Install On a Linux or BSD machine, in a terminal, run: mkdir -p ~/src cd ~/src wget -qO - https://adi.onl/cl/cl@1.0.0.tgz | tar -xzvf - cd cl make install PREFIX=$HOME ## Uninstall cd ~/src/cl make uninstall PREFIX=$HOME ## Usage The package provides 6 scripts `clp`, `clu`, `clv` and `clvp`, `clvu` and `clvv`. The **cl** prefix stands for _Common Log_ and the suffixes stand for _**p**ages_, _**u**nique_ and _**v**iews_. The middle **v** in the second set stands for _virtual host_. The second set of 3 scripts is for the Common Log with virtual hosts format. It's identical to the normal Common Log except the name of the virtual host is prepended to each line. Use the appropriate script for the statistic and for the log format: ### Pages $ clp /var/www/access.log /docs.html 641 / 3227 Use `sort -nrk 2` to sort on second column: $ clp /var/www/access.log | sort -nrk 2 / 3227 /docs.html 641 ### Uniques and Visits Uniques and visits scripts output the actual unique and visit requests by default. Use `wc -l` to count: $ clu /var/www/access.log | wc -l 2000 The scripts operate on `GET` requests to paths with no extension or ending in `.html` that returned a 200 HTTP response status code. https://example.com/docs https://example.com/docs/ https://examples.com/docs.html